low cost voice translation

How much does it cost? why so cheap?

Automation is key to cost, we can download and change the voice language automatically without any human intervention, quickly and efficently at a cost of $5 + $1 per minute!, so for example a 4 minute video would cost $9 U.S.
Quick and easy delivery, just enter your youtube link and we take care of the rest and let you know when the newly translated video is ready.
You don't pay anything until you want to download the final full quality video.

Any Limitations?

Currently we have a 15 minute video limit due to processing time it takes to translate a video, when you place an order this limit is doubled, these limts will be increased later as we get bigger and have more computing power!
Currently we support one Female voice, although it is different for different languages to match the type of voice for that language.
Current Languages Supported are English to Spanish, French, German & Portuguese. we will be adding more!


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